These are the current debug codes as of 7.1 Fair warning: these have a decent possibility of screwing up your game, so make a back-up save before using any of them. Make sure you don't miss the periods, include spaces, and everything is case sensitive. Don't include quotation marks from the examples. --- General Codes --- dumbgallerycode Opens up the animation gallery (it's not a customizer) dumbmoneycode.(Gil Amount) Gives you gil Example: "dumbmoneycode.100000" gives you 100000 gil dumbgpcode.(Guild Points Amount) Give you guild points Example: "dumbgpcode.100" give you 100 GP addenergy.(Energy Amount) Gives the player energy Example: "addenergy.200" gives you 200 energy newrequest Generates a new request (you can only have up to 24 requests) unlocktrait.(Trait Name) Unlocks a trait so that it can be found in the store or ordered. Do enter any spaces normally in the trait name. Example: "unlocktrait.Neoteny" will unlock the Neoteny trait npcaffection.(Lowercase NPC Name).(Affection Amount) Sets the NPC with the given name's affection to the given amount Example: "npcaffection.kay.1000" will set Kay's affection to 1000 setplayerstat.(Lowercase Stat).(Stat Amount) Sets the player's designated stat to the given amount Example: "setplayerstat.str.99" will set the player's STR to 99 Note: To set the player's level type "selevel" for the stat. You can set impossible stat values using this code (like 100000 DEX, etc), but it will probably break the game. playevent.(Event Name).ignorereqs(Optional) Plays the given event. If you add ignoreqs it will ignore event requirements (this can break the event). Example: "playevent.KayIntro.ignorereqs" will play Kay's intro event, and ignore any event requirements Event Names: MargoIntro DelilahDebt MarquisIntro KalaIntro RoxieIntro YueliaEvent CordeliaIntro CordeliaRecurring KayIntro LilyIntro LeviIntro WildDickwolf RandomTownsfolk Amadour1 WildCatgirl DickwolfAlpha DickwolfFoursome BaileyEvent RandomMoney KayReward KayMermaid BeachMoney Chateau1 MarchionessComplete1 MarchionessReward LeviSeraphCage LilyHall1 LilyHall2 RestStop AlrauneSap AlchemyQuest1 AlchemyQuest2 AlchemyQuest3 AlchemyQuest4 HalloweenQuest1 HalloweenQuest2 HalloweenQuest3 HalloweenQuest4 HalloweenQuest5 HalloweenQuestKaliba opensesame Lets you play the Halloween sliding puzzle minigame presento Lets you play the Christmas jumping minigame --- Monster Codes --- facechange.(Monster Name).(Face Number 1-6) Changes the faces of all monsters with the given monster name to the given face number Example: "facechange.Amelia.2" will set all monsters named Amelia to face number 2 hairchange.(Monster Name).(Hair Number 1-6) Changes the hair style of all monsters with the given monster name to the given hair number Example: "hairchange.Amelia.2" will set all monsters named Amelia to hair number 2 colorschemechange.(Monster Name).(Color Scheme Number 1-12) Changes the color scheme of all monsters with the given monster name to the given color scheme number Example: "colorschemechange.Amelia.10" will set all monsters named Amelia to color scheme 10 skintonechange.(Monster Name).(Skin Tone Number 1-4) Changes the skin tone of all monsters with the given monster name to the given skin tone number Example: "skintonechange.Amelia.2" will set all monsters named Amelia to skintone 2 addtrait.(Monster Name).(Trait Name) Adds a trait with the given trait name to all monsters with the given monster name. Do enter any spaces normally in the trait name. If the trait is a stacking trait, you can enter this code multiple times in order to increase the stack by one. If you use this code to give a monster a trait that would normally change its type (like Genderbent or Neoteny), then the trait will be inactive, but will be active on any offspring it's passed down to. You can add traits even if you haven't unlocked them yet, as long as you know the name. Example: "addtrait.Amelia.Too Stronk" will give all monsters named Amelia one stack of the Too Stronk trait setstat.(Monster Name).(Lowercase Stat).(Stat Amount) Sets the designated stat of all monsters with the given monster name to the given stat amount value Example: "setstat.Amelia.str.99" will set Amelia's STR to 99 Note: To change monster level type "selevel" for the stat. You can set impossible stat values using this code (like 100000 DEX, etc), but it will probably break the game.