# Cheats ## How to set variables: Unlock any week. For example, this will unlock week 3: http://academyoffetishes.com?week=3 Unlock trans girls: http://academyoffetishes.com?has_futa=true Unlock mothers: http://academyoffetishes.com?has_mothers=true Put an aphrodisiac in your inventory: http://academyoffetishes.com?has_aphrodisiac=true When set, you can unlock the scene where you visit Sarah and her mom in the sensory deprivation dorm: http://academyoffetishes.com?sd_mom_horny=true When set, you can unlock the scene where you visit Luna and Amy in the sensory deprivation dorm: http://academyoffetishes.com?amy_trusts_luna=true Olivia will like Mia rather than bully her. Has no effect in the early game: http://academyoffetishes.com?olivia_likes_mia=true You can mix and match the above with the below: Unlock hucow scenes at the end of some other scenes: http://academyoffetishes.com?hucow=true Unlock scenes where Anna pursues Hannah: http://academyoffetishes.com?anna_pursues_hannah=true You can set the values for the vaginal fisting or anal fisting variables. Here's an example: http://academyoffetishes.com?fo_vagina=placebo&fo_ass=relaxant The values for fo_vagina are: placebo, menthol, semen, relaxant The values for fo_ass are: placebo, spicy, semen, deep, relaxant These variables are used in the Fisting scene with Olivia. I use them for testing purposes. They probably won't be much use to you as the player. You can now modify your gender. There are 3 options to do so. You do it by adding mc_male=true, mc_female=true, or mc_futa=true to the end of your URL. For example, to skip to the trans girl painting scene where you're a futa, you could use this url: http://academyoffetishes.com?FutaPainting&mc_futa=true ## How to jump to specific scenes: Go to the trans girl survey scene: http://academyoffetishes.com?FutanariInspection Go to the mother / daughter massage scene: http://academyoffetishes.com?MassageTherapy Go to the scene where students sketch each other's vaginas: http://academyoffetishes.com?SelfSketch Go to the scene where Ms. Ball finds uniform violations and punishes Jessie: http://academyoffetishes.com?UniformBreastInspection Go to the part of the uniform violation scene where you torture Jessie's breast with a ruler: http://academyoffetishes.com?UniformBreastInspectionRuler Go to the scene where Ms. Monet takes photographs of the student's vulvas: http://academyoffetishes.com?Photo Go to the photo scene where Ms. Monet ties a ribbon around Sarah's panties: http://academyoffetishes.com?PhotoRibbon Go to the drinking fountain bully scene: http://academyoffetishes.com?DrinkingFountain Go to the scene where Mia "feeds the tran girl's fishy": http://academyoffetishes.com?FutaPaintingFishy Go to the scene where the students paint the trans girls: http://academyoffetishes.com?FutaPainting Go to the scene where the students do a lewd scavenger hunt: http://academyoffetishes.com?ScavengerHunt Go to the scene where the students wear sensory deprivation headgear: http://academyoffetishes.com?SD&week=4 Go to the scene where the students wear sensory deprivation headgear with trans girls unlocked: http://academyoffetishes.com?SD&week=4&has_futa=true Go to the scene where the students wear sensory deprivation headgear with mothers unlocked: http://academyoffetishes.com?SD&week=4&has_mothers=true Go to the sensory deprivation hallway scene between Mia and Olivia (romantic): http://academyoffetishes.com?SDHall Go to the sensory deprivation cafeteria scene. Different stories if you've unlocked trans girls vs mothers: http://academyoffetishes.com?SDCafeteria Go to the sensory deprivation cafeteria scene. Coach Luna to treat Amy like a pet: http://academyoffetishes.com?SDCafeteria&has_futa=true Go to the sensory deprivation cafeteria scene. Have some fun with Sarah's mom: http://academyoffetishes.com?SDCafeteria&has_mothers=true Go to the sensory deprivation bathroom scene. Watersports: http://academyoffetishes.com?SDBathroom&olivia_likes_mia=true Go to the sensory deprivation bathroom scene. Watersports. This is the really disgusting version... be warned: http://academyoffetishes.com?SDBathroom Go to the sensory deprivation dorm scene. There's many variations of this scene. Try it with Olivia liking Mia, trans girls or mothers. Or, use the following cheats to jump right into those variations:: http://academyoffetishes.com?SDDorm Go to the sensory deprivation dorm scene with Luna and Amy: http://academyoffetishes.com?SDDormLuna Go to the sensory deprivation dorm scene with the sleep scene: http://academyoffetishes.com?SDDormSleep Go to the sensory deprivation dorm scene that's romantic: http://academyoffetishes.com?SDDormRomantic Go to the sensory deprivation dorm scene with the twins: http://academyoffetishes.com?SDDormTwins Go to the sensory deprivation dorm scene where the mom masturbates: http://academyoffetishes.com?SDDormMom Go to the hucow scene where Jesse lactates: http://academyoffetishes.com?HucowLactation Go to the hucow scene where Jessie has puffy nipples and mental degradation: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=HucowPuffies Go to the hucow scene where you have sex with Jessie (try experimenting with genders described above): http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=HucowSex Go to the Mia aphrodisiac scene: http://academyoffetishes.com?Aphrodisiac Go to the Olivia fisting scene: http://academyoffetishes.com?Fisting Go to the scene where you check up on Olivia after fisting her and Mia worships her anus: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=OliviaCheckup Go to the scene where you check up on Olivia as she wears a diaper: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=OliviaDiaperCheckup the above one can be kind of tricky so I want to give a few examples. If you want scat content, you'd use this URL: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=OliviaDiaperCheckup&fo_ass=relaxant if you only want pee content, you'd use this URL: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=OliviaDiaperCheckup you can also add &olivia_likes_mia=true to the end of either if you want Olivia to like Mia before the scene starts. e.g.,: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=OliviaDiaperCheckup&fo_ass=relaxant&olivia_likes_mia=true would give you scat and Olivia likes Mia. Feel free to reach out if this is confusing! Go to the scene where daughters shave their mothers: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=DaughtersShaveMothers Visit Ms. Monet's class where all the trans girls cum on Luna's face: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=TransBukakke Visit Ms. Waterloo's class where all the students wear their new transparent swimsuits: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=NewSwimsuits Visit Mrs. Ball's class where she force feeds Kira: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=KiraForcedFeeding Visit Nurse Neadle's office where she makes Kira vomit: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=NurseKiraVomit Visit Ms. Waterloo's class where she gives Lucy an orgasm: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=MsWaterlooLucyOrgasm Visit your office where Anna asks who she 69'd with: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=AnnaInOffice Visit Mrs. Eigen's class where Casey's body is inspected by the students and Olivia has an accident in her diaper: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=OliviaClassroomDiaperMess Visit the gloryhole scene in the restroom (remember you can change your gender with mc_female=true and mc_futa=true): http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=ChastityGloryHole Visit the erotic ASMR scene: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=EroticAsmr Visit the scene where Kira is force fed scat: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=KiraForceFedScat Visit the scene where Ms. Darwin teaches a class on kissing: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=KissClass Visit the erotic relay race scene: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=RelayRace Visit Amy in her dorm to give her an anal orgasm: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=VisitAmyChastity Jessie uses her hall pass during chastity week: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=JessieUsesHallPass Anna sits on Hannah's face during chastity week: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=HannahAnnaFaceSitting Ms. Darwin and Ms. Monet stuff Luna's penis in her own ass during chastity week: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=LunaFucksHerself Forced blowjobs for the trans girls in PE class during chastity week: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=ForcedPeBlowjobs Visit the glory hole with Lucy as the forced blowjob loser: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=GloryHoleLoser&gloryHoleLoser=Lucy Visit the glory hole with Luna as the forced blowjob loser: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=GloryHoleLoser&gloryHoleLoser=Luna Visit the glory hole with Bailey as the forced blowjob loser: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=GloryHoleLoser&gloryHoleLoser=Bailey Visit the glory hole with Tiffany as the forced blowjob loser: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=GloryHoleLoser&gloryHoleLoser=Tiffany Visit the ending ceremony for holy week: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=EndHolyWeek Visit the ending ceremony for holy week with Olivia's diaper scene: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=EndHolyWeek&fo_ass=relaxant ## Camera scenes: Watch Sarah masturbate in her bed: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=SarahMasturbate Watch Kira pee in the toilet: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=KiraPee Watch Olivia bully a random student: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=OliviaBullies Watch Ms. Monet and Ms. Darwin gossip about you: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=MonetAndDarwin Watch Jessie recover from nipple torture in the shower: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=JessieRecoversInShower Watch Olivia steal Mia's clothes: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=OliviaStealsClothes Watch Luna suck herself off: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=LunaAutoFellatio Watch Luna cum in Amy's panties while Amy wears them: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=LunaCumsInAmysPanties Watch Casey and Kira go on their first "date": http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=CaseyKiraDate Watch Mia poo in the toilet: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=MiaToiletScat Watch Olivia and gang torture Bailey's cock and balls: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=BaileyCbt Watch Olivia play with Mia's urethra: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=OliviaMiaUrethraPlay Watch Olivia pants Casey: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=OliviaPantsing Watch Olivia use an inflatable dildo on herself while Mia helps: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=OliviaInflatableDildo Watch Casey steal panties from the laundromat: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=CaseyStealsPanties Watch Bailey and Lucy have sex: http://academyoffetishes.com?passageName=BaileyLucySex